Saturday, October 29, 2016

Trump Top 5 (Good and Bad)

Trump Top 5 (Good and Bad)

5 Reasons to Vote for Donald Trump

  1. Does not seems to have any special interest groups pulling his strings with promises of money or influence.
  2. Mr. Trump wants to create jobs in primarily poor and neglected parts of cities by offering incentives for businesses to build and hire in the afflicted areas.
  3. Brutal Honesty. This is a trait that I've not seen in a candidate before; in cases where Mr. Trump is accused of wrong doing Mr. Trump apologizes and moves on, doesn't try to beat around the bush.
  4. The Republican Nominee, for those registered republicans who just vote with the ticket.
  5. Proficient at amassing wealth, a skill that our country could use a lesson in.

5 Reason NOT to Vote for Donald Trump

  1. Does not have a like-able personality, some say that Mr. Trump comes off as arrogant and does not actually possess the abilities he claims.
  2. Republican Nominee, a die-hard Democrat should not vote for Mr. Trump
  3. Considered by some to be a criminal for tax fraud
  4. Taking into consideration Mr. Trump is not a career politician, relatively lacking experience in government / elected office
  5. Maintains what could be one of the worst understandings of foreign affairs

Also Read:

The above lists are an opinion and may contain inaccuracies.

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